Nirvana Christian Funeral Services Singapore

Nirvana Christian Funeral Services

All You Need to Know About Christian Funeral

Nirvana Christian Funeral Services – We all are running towards the betterment of life quality. Making different streams of income, achieving goals to get absolute life bliss. But what happens in the end? The inevitable death. In the hustle of life, we forget about death. But nature reminds us of the reality of life, once we lose a loved one. Coping up with losing a loved one and remaining composed at such tragic moments is strenuous.

According to Christian belief, death is not the end but a beginning of a new phase. They strongly believe in the afterlife. A person will go to heaven or hell, depending upon his deeds.

Nirvana Memorial Garden Christian Funeral Services Singapore

What Purpose Nirvana Christian Funeral Services Serve?

Funeral serves religious and emotional purposes. Every religion carries its rites and rituals on death and funeral. It is carried out according to one’s religious beliefs.

A funeral helps us to remember that one day our souls will leave the body. We recall the good and low moments with that person, realize how much of an impact the deceased made in our lives. We recall, connect and share our emotions to say the final goodbye.

If you are not sure how to conduct a funeral, you can take funeral services as well. In Singapore, you can find many bereavement care companies like Nirvana Memorial Garden, which take care of your funeral hassles in these tragic times. They offer different funeral packages which are catered to your needs.

Nirvana Christian Funeral Services Singapore

Preparations for a Christian Funeral

Listed down below is all you need to know how a Nirvana Christian Funeral Services is conducted:

  • Preparing the Body:

The body of the deceased is first washed. The body can be prepared by family members or funeral professionals. They will dress the body in the best clothes and place it into the casket. The arms of the body are placed over the chest, crossed. Bible or a rosary can be placed in their hands. The casket is placed on the catafalque, a covered stand.

  • Vigil:

Family and friends gather at the deceased’s home before the funeral. This ritual helps the family to grief, exchange memories of the beloved one. Prayers are offered to send blessings to the deceased.

  • Funeral Service:

Funeral services can be conducted in Church or funeral homes. You can also get Nirvana Christian Funeral services if looking for funeral professionals. It is usually led by a priest or minister. Pallbearers will take the casket into the church. People will stand out of respect, while the casket is brought in.

  • Prayers and Hymns:

In these vulnerable times, it is natural to feel hopeless. Praying can give you energy and hope that at least you are doing something for yourself and the deceased. Family and friends offer prayers, expressing their faith. Hymns are sung to give hope to family and friends.

  • Priest Sermon:

The priest will start a holy sermon giving patience and hope to the family. It will also serve as a reminder of Christian teachings about life, death, and the afterlife. A few words about the deceased may be said by a family member.

  • Reading the Bible:

Some passages from the Bible are read, usually about how we should lead a life and a reminder of death. It changes the approach towards a funeral. Re-enforcing the fact that God cares for us and also the person who died.

  • Preceding towards graveyard:

After church, the casket is taken to the graveyard for the final goodbye. The casket or coffin is lowered down into the grave. Here the ritual of committal is performed, the mourners throw some soil onto the grave and put any material possession in the memory of the deceased.

  • Funeral Reception:

A funeral reception is a social gathering where friends and family celebrate and remember the life of the deceased. They share their memories and experience, reviving the deceased’s legacy. The family receives emotional support and a shoulder to cry.

How Long is the Christian Funeral?

It usually lasts between 40 minutes to an hour. The time may vary according to worship, place, rituals, and number of people.

Some Etiquettes of attending a Christian Funeral:

While attending a Christian Funeral, it is best to wear black. Black is considered the color for mourning. Anything sober and respectful will do. Bright colors are to be avoided as they are a sign of joy and life. It may hurt the sentiments of the family.

If you are attending a Christian funeral, you can take flowers, food, or a sympathy card for the family. These flowers are known as  ‘’Sympathy Flowers’’. Other than this, you can give funds to help in funeral costs and charity donations.

Christian Funeral Services Singapore

Post- Funeral; Coping up with Grief:

According to Christian Bible, the mourning time is 7 days after death. They believe that soul goes through an Aerial toll then finds its place in the afterlife after 40 days.

Accepting the death of a loved one is never simple. Healing is important to move forward with life. Here are a few suggestions to overcome grieving:

  • Talk to a close friend about how you feel
  • Count your blessings
  • Surround yourself with positivity
  • Acknowledge your feelings
  • Give yourself time to heal
  • Focus on yourself
  • Exercise to lower stress levels
  • Time heals everything. Let time do its work
  • Seek professional help if you are struggling for too long


Attending a funeral is not easy. It has effects on your physical, emotional, and spiritual being. No matter what religion you follow, we all will reach the endpoint of life. To become resilient, healing is crucial.  Learning and pondering upon our lives will make us value our existence. Contact us to find out more about Nirvana Christian Funeral Services. Besides Christian Funeral Service, you can check out Nirvana Buddhist Funeral Service.

Cherish your life, live your best and to the fullest.

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